Friday, September 10, 2010

Itsy Bitsy Spider....

Last night I went to Andrew's to hang out with him, Joe and James. They all played video games on the Wii and I made them hot dogs. Anyway as I near the end of my cooking, James decided he needed to smoke. He went out side and left Andrew, Joe and I in the kitchen. A minute passes and then he comes from the garage and says we have to check this out. So we go out to the garage and there is this HUGE tarantula in the garage! It was just sitting there!

So then of course Andrew decides he wants to shoot it. He goes and gets some type of gun... and just starts shooting it! Soon the poor things legs start falling off from the shots! We finally got him out of the garage and onto the drive way where they still kept shooting them. Then James notices one of the decapitated legs are still MOVING!! So I looked and it was! It twitched as if it was getting the electric shot in the back of an ambulance. Anyway, I started to feel for this huge tarantula. He was dying a slow painful death. So I went and grabbed this shovel and shoved it into him.

Andrew thought I was very cruel for doing this, but the thing just needed to go. He had already been through enough torture. Tarantula... may you rest in peace.

This is a picture of the tarantula, someone threw in the box of Camels in there so you could have a better perspective of how huge it was!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Getting Creative

So what's new? Not a whole lot.

I have decided I am going to take this lovely time off to really focus hard on school. Tomorrow I have an appointment at 8:30 AM to register for Pima Med. I really want to be a Ultra-Sound Tech. I think that would something awesome to do. Getting to tell someone, "You will be having a baby boy/girl." In hopes that it will make so many people happy. However there will be its down sides like every job has. But I think it would be something awesome to do! I can't help but to say that all my friends around me that are having their own little babies have help me decide how interesting this could actually be! =]]

On the other hand, I still want to try to find a small part time job just to keep me busy. Besides that, I have been reconnected with my creative side. Lately I've been doing some photography. I'm hoping to build a portfolio with this. As I take the photos, it has connected me back to my fun habits of scrapbooking! I love it soo much! I can spend hours doing this.

Which this leads me to, I would love to try to start this little business. I don't think it would be very successful. I wouldn't know how to start it nor how to promote it! Anyway, a while back I went to a scrapbook convention with my great frans, Erin and Danielle. I bought this piece of scrap metal. Anyway I am decorating one for myself and I think it would be cool to make all sorts of kinds and then try to sell them. See what I mean, I don't know how well this would work. Maybe around Christmas?? Who knows.

I always want to start baking. This doesn't help the fact that I'm trying to hit up the gym more. BUT it something fun and creative to do! I just love decorating!! And what more fun could one have, is to eat the delicious thing you have created?!

If this whole Pima thing didn't work out, I was gonna go back to school at MCC. Then I was going to take this class for fiction writing. I have always wanted to write. When I worked at AB, my mind was always wondering on ideas of what I could write about. My only problem is trying to put my creative thoughts into actual words on paper. That is why I really wanted to take this Intro to Fiction class. Who knows. People learn how to write and get published without having an actual degree in Writing. Maybe one day I can do the same.

Anyway, this one was filled with a bunch of random things. But with my spare time, I try to find cheap creative things to do. However, most of these things can get very pricey (such as the scrapbooking but I already have much of the materials I need). Anyway, I should probably go. I have to get up super early for that appointment!! Yay!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Right now, I'm in the middle of filling out more and more applications. I've already done two today and am currently in the middle of my third.

For all the don't know, which isn't much of anyone I lost my job about two weeks ago. The reasoning may seem a little ludicrous as you probably may know as well. So in the end, I'll spare you all the details.

Anyway, I have this second interview tomorrow. I am excited for it! =]] The only thing I am really on the fence about is I don't think they will support me into finishing up with school. This would be an awesome opportunity for me if I were to get the job. Yet I also just want to take this time and go to school and finish it up and possibly find a part time job as well.

Decisions.... decisions.....

So confused at the moment.

Well better get back to applying around....

Thursday, July 22, 2010


So I decided to start a blog... Let's see how long this will last me. =]]

(BTW: If anyone understands how to change up the background and such, PLEASE help me out! I somehow can't seem to figure out myself...)

I have not been out of this state for about four years! Needless to say, I needed to get away from this heat and desert scene... A trip to California was imperative.

It all started with a long 12 to 9:30 shift with that infamous person! Man did the night drag on and I had other plans! Luckily with this guy, it hit 9 on the dot and the gate was down and we were out by nine oh three.

I then drove my way to Gilbert to pick up Ashleigh. I still had a lot of packing to do (procrastinate much?). By the time I was done, we had about four hours to kill before we hit the road. In the end we got about an hour nap. Which in the end called for an EXTREMELY long day, to where we didn't even eat till about 6PM the next night.

I had so much fun and it was much needed! The first day we went to Hollywood and visited Madame Tussauds Wax Musuem (Thank You Lindsey for the $5.00 coupon!). I got to hang with some cool friends such as Julia Roberts, Justin Timberlake, Spiderman, Tony Hawk, Audrey Hepburn, Britney Spears, Zac Efron and Robert Pattinson. By the end of the night, all I wanted was my Chipotle Burrito and to watch the first episode of Big Brother!! (Then go spend sometime in the hot tub and pass out!!)

The next two days were spent at Disneyland! So much fun!! No matter what, I think it is the Happiest Place on Earth. BUT it is also the one place on earth that can make you pass out by the end of the night! I think my most favorite-st ride was Hollywood's Tower of Terror. No matter how hard I try not to scream, I screamed. And just to let you guys know... I'm swearer not a screamer (said by this annoying little girl in line). But seriously you guys, I don't scream on rides except for that one. What was the most awesome part, was cutting most of the lines for only being two of us! The last ride we rode (and got to cut in line) was Space Mountain. And let me tell you... it was the most quietest experience on a roller coaster I HAVE EVER BEEN ON! I couldn't let that happen, so I just started screaming obnoxiously! Once I saw the picture, I felt completely terrible cause. This family took their daughter on it because she wanted to. How do I know? Cause the parents looked terrified, they both had their eyes closed like they may have an anxiety attack.

Our last full day in California, we drove down to San Diego. I was a bit sad. I know it's a great vacation spot but I don't think I enjoyed it very much. I think it has a lot to do with we didn't even spend a whole day there to venture out. We didn't even go to the beach, well we did for like five minutes at night but that doesn't count! Oh!! The worst part of the night is... wait for it... I broke my phone! (Shocker there) Water damage. Although I didn't use my phone much on vacation, I felt like apart of me was missing (sad to say).

Needless to say, the drive home on the I8, was long and unnecessary. There were 3 things I didn't want to come home to: the heat, Arizona Drivers and all the construction. Guess what, I hit almost all three "don'ts" at the same time...

Okay, so this is getting kind of long I guess (and pretty late). So I guess I'll wrap it up for now and possibly write more tomorrow...